We realized that there was a need to help creditors and collection agencies enforce and collect on judgments when the judgment debtor resides in Texas. We accept cases from local and statewide, as well as nationwide companies who have a necessity to collect on judgments obtained against commercial and business entities, as well as personal guarantors.
When a commercial customer fails to pay a creditor for goods or services, or does not pay according to a contractual arrangement, this failure to pay can cause a burden on the creditor’s financial condition and cash flow. We understand that due to the limitations placed on creditors against debtors who reside in Texas (for example, no wage garnishment, and non-exempt property), collecting on an outstanding debt may be a bit more challenging. But, there is hope.
You won your lawsuit, but the judgment still has not been paid? Texas law provides a remedy for judgment enforcement that may help recover money to get the judgment paid. It’s called a Post-Judgment Turnover and Receivership Statute. A Turnover Receiver is a third party who is appointed by a judge to locate, collect and even possibly sell or liquidate judgment debtors' non-exempt property in Texas to pay the outstanding judgment.
Receivership is the most optimum and effective collection tool available in Texas. We highly recommend and utilize the services of a Receiver who has realized above-average collection results for our clients. Our "Turnover Order" gives the Receiver specific rights and the authority to utilize collection methods that are beyond the norm, such as the option to send out bank levies as well as mail levies. The results speak for themselves. As one debtor told our Receiver, "I owe 15 other collectors, and you're the only one I will pay."
If the judgment was obtained in a state other than Texas and the debtor or debtors now reside in Texas, we can help. In order to collect on an out-of-state judgment, known as a foreign judgment, and the debtor is located in Texas, we'll need to first domesticate the foreign judgment in the Texas courts.
If you have an existing Texas judgment or a foreign (out-of-state) judgment, you can email Texas Turnover Receivers a copy of your existing judgment. We'll review it to determine the feasibility of obtaining a Turnover Order in the Texas court in which the judgment was obtained. Once reviewed, we will offer our recommendations.
Need help obtaining a judgment? We can assist in this regard as well. We can’t stress enough the importance of filing suit against a debtor as soon as possible. In fact, if the debtor has an outstanding amount owed that is delinquent more than 60 days, the credit should consider filing suit. The faster you file suit, the more likely there will be assets or monies left to collect.
It is important to note that where you which Texas court you file your case will impact the success of collection. Click here for more information.
We partner with a well-respected Texas court-appointed Receiver, Bill Hammer, whose experience includes over 30 years in the collection industry, as well as holding the position of Chief Financial Officer for various companies. His collection results have surpassed not only expectations, but industry standards. In addition, we also util
We partner with a well-respected Texas court-appointed Receiver, Bill Hammer, whose experience includes over 30 years in the collection industry, as well as holding the position of Chief Financial Officer for various companies. His collection results have surpassed not only expectations, but industry standards. In addition, we also utilize the services of Sam Hammer, who is an up and coming Receiver whose talents and abilities are proving to be excellent in the collection field.
We work with individual businesses as well as collection firms to obtain judgments as well as domesticate judgments with the goal of working toward a post judgment collection process that will result in effective results. We provide paralegal services to attorneys who are experienced with civil litigation (including debt collection and c
We work with individual businesses as well as collection firms to obtain judgments as well as domesticate judgments with the goal of working toward a post judgment collection process that will result in effective results. We provide paralegal services to attorneys who are experienced with civil litigation (including debt collection and collection practices). The attorneys we partner with are listed with the General Bar Legal Network.
Our paralegals have over 14 years of combined experience working in a law firm specializing in collection practices, as well as providing administrative services to our partners, such as experienced Receivers Bill Hammer and Sam Hammer.
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Obtain, enforce, domesticate, collect TX judgments